Our Core Values
Our current projects and teams
We aim to deliver success in ways appropriate to the teams that we work with. Therefore what we do, and how we work, is tailored to each business. But we always align to our core values and based upon key ingredients.
Current teams that we work with:
Chairman of Cambridge Networks since 2016.
The team at Cambridge Networks are focused team of around 15 technicians that excel at running the core infrastructure that makes up the modern workplace of SMEs in and around Cambridgeshire. Their key strengths are of making the modern core infrastructure of networks, wifi, internet connectivity and server and Microsoft cloud infrastructure "just work" which is what every
Our vision is that Cambridge Networks is the best-run MSP enabling the success of a focused set of great small and growing businesses in Cambridgeshire.
Dave does not get involved in the day to day delivery of services, leaving the day to day to the management team that has been developed. Therefore when Dave provides virtual CIO services to other SMEs, he usually works with their incumbent Managed Service Provider and provides strategic oversight acting on behalf of the client. However, Dave is able to keep up to date with what's happening within the IT industry - evolving technology and security threats - from the strategic updates that he gets from Cambridge Networks team doing the hands on work.
Virtual CIO of Scudamore's Punting in Cambridge
Scudamore's Punting aims "to create timeless Cambridge memories". They are the largest punting company in Cambridge, and their vision is "to act as ambassadors for Cambridge by providing the best possible experience of boating on the river, whether for recreation, learning or work. To make the pleasure of being on the water accessible to everybody, regardless of age, ability or experience. To be the place where Cambridge comes to enjoy the river."
Serving over 250,000 visitors per year, with between 100 and 250 staff depending upon the time of year, technology is a key part of both marketing and sales, as well as operational delivery. Since 2015, Dave, through IS Online has been delivering IT strategy to help Scudamore's succeed.
CRM and operational IT strategy to Flora-Tec
Flora-tec is one of the UK’s leading horticultural services company with over 100 staff working across the UK. They work with clients around the UK to take care of business environments both indoors and out. They provide a complete interior and exteriors landscaping service including grounds maintenance, interior plants, landscaping and construction and winter services to businesses, government organisations and facilities and property management companies.
Since 2016 Dave, through IS Online has provided strategic guidance and implementation and integration of Salesforce.com and Prontoforms/True Context, to help operationalise sales opportunities (often spotted by team works delivering maintenance work whilst on site), as well as the management and delivery of maintenance and project work.
​In everything we do, we are:
Do different, think different
Key ingredients
Vision - a picture in mind?​People and systems - who is involved
Data - where are we now, and key measures of future success
Processes - What the people and systems do, and will do
Issues and opportunities - What's stopping us. What could we do?
Getting things done - today, this week, this quarter
Leadership Profile
​Building a successful team involves putting a set of people with complementary team behaviours. Belbin is a very good model for quickly evaluating team member's behaviours, and building a team with an appropriate mix for the task in hand.
Dave's top contributing roles are:
Monitor Evaluator:
"Sober, strategic and discerning, sees all the options and judges accurately"
"Mature, confident, identifies talent, clarifies goals, delegates effectively"​
And has a preference for:
"Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure, and has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles"
whilst observers often see him flex as Implementer and Specialist when necessary for the team.
Dave works especially well with Plants (visionaries and idea generators) and Resource Investigators (outgoing enthusiastic people), because he complements their strengths, use his strengths to help them succeed by rationalising their ideas and helping them focus.
Hand Crafted Cupcakes
Hand Crafted Cupcakes, based in Ely, create amazing bespoke cakes to "Create edible memories".
Enabling this business is my passion - it is run by my wife and step-son Ben. They are amazing creative people, designing and baking delicious cakes for customers, specially designed for various special occasions. I help them with the technology to automate the marketing, sales and management of the business, to help enable them to succeed.